World environment day was celebrated by St. Britto’s Academy on 22nd June 2017 at SMR Hall by class II students. The main objective of the program is to make the children aware of the importance of the environment and the connection between the people and environment.
The program started with the prayer song followed by prayer and bible reading. After welcome speech and a special song about the nature and how to conserve and preserve them and the significance of the day was explained by a class II child. The child told that the World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th.
The day was established in 1972 by the united nation organization. This year the theme was Connecting people to nature. Children gave a speech on air, water, land and tree.
A skit was enacted, which was about how to protect and keep the environment clean. The skit also enlightened on how to grow more trees. The need to save electricity and water, which is the need of the hour and this was emphasized through the skit.