Best CBSE School in Velachery-St.Britto's Academy

  • Developing an awareness of letters
  • Recognizing that letters have specific sounds
  • Awareness of the relationship of “letters to words” and “words to sentences”
  • Developing a basic vocabulary set by listening to and identifying unknown words in stories
  • Recognizing basic sight words in text
  • Developing a strong number sense
  • Identifying numbers
  • Expressing different ways to represent numbers up to twenty
  • Ability to sort and organize objects based on different attributes
  • Recognizing basic shapes and units for measurement, time, and weight.


  1. English Reading and Conversation
  2. English Writing
  3. English Dictation
  4. Number work
  5. Environmental Science (EVS )-UKG
  6. General Awareness-LKG
  7. Story Telling
  8. Recitation
  9. Physical Education
  10. Language-Tamil ( Compulsory for LKG )

Hindi and Tamil (Compulsory  for UKG )

  1. Drawing and Colouring
  2. Music
  3. Craft


ACTIVITY : BINDI PASTING                                   CREATIVE SKILL



Children were  given  Bindis to stick on  the Alphabet H .

This activity improves the child’s fine motor skills (Eye and Hand co-ordination) along with Alphabet Introduction.


Children  were excited to peel the paste  and started  pasting the Bindis on Alphabet H. Children  learned the Alphabet in a play way method.

Creative Skill   PRE – KG


Children were given the picture of the ball depicting the alphabet ‘B’ as in ball, red color crepe paper and glue. They were asking “what are we going to with this” and were eagerly waiting for the instruction.


Children were instructed to make paper balls by tearing the crepe paper and crushing to make balls by using the maximum pressure .Once the ball was ready they were told  to place it in a paper plate. They were told to apply glue over the picture ,they picked the balls one by one and pasted it . They even shared their paper balls with their friends. This activity helps in developing the fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, sense of touch , feel, pressure , soft , hard, wet, sticky.

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