Well done kids, you are awesome - St.Britto's Academy

St. Britto’s  at Home .. Activity for kids during Lock down

Well done kids, you are awesome. Here is a Scientific Experiment – Making a BIRD FEEDER by Grade 6 students

SAUJANYA , CLASS VI B      You certainly did well today Saujanya! Keep it up! 

ARPITA .R   Good going Arpita! I knew you could do it 

HADASSAH GRACE CLASS VI A      Tremendous Hadassah! That’s the best ever


St. Britto’s  at Home .. Activity for kids during Lock down

Well done kids, you are incredible. Here is a Scientific Experiment – Making of TORNADO IN A BOTTLE by Grade 2 students

CHRIS SAM , CLASS II C                 Perfect Chris! Wonderful   Click Here to view Procedure

ISHANA.K , CLASS II A  Fantastic Ishana! That’s the way to do it

Fantastic Felicia! You got it right    Click Here to view Procedure

SAUJANYA , CLASS VI B You certainly did well today Saujanya! Keep it up!

ARPITA .R Good going Arpita! I knew you could do it

HADASSAH GRACE CLASS VI A Tremendous Hadassah! That’s the best ever

ISHANA.K , CLASS II A Fantastic Ishana! That’s the way to do it

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