- Fee will be collected in three terms ā April, September and January.
- Swimming is compulsory to every child from Std I. Swimming kit should be brought.
- Students should be punctual to the school.
- All students should come to school in clean and proper uniform on all working days.
- Damage done to buildings, walls, furniture, library books, lab equipment, sports goods etc , must be paid for at the discretion of the Principal / Correspondent.
- Students are advised not to bring any valuable articles to the school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of students belongings.
- All the students are responsible for their behaviour inside / outside the school. Any bad report / remark on the part of the students shall result in disciplinary action.
- Students suffering from contagious / infectious diseases should avoid coming to the school.
- Regular late ā coming, frequent absence, negligence in wearing proper uniform and shoes and carelessness in studies will be viewed seriously.
- Promotion is entirely based on his / her attendance and academic performance.
- Students should bring the prescribed text ā books and note ā books according to the time table.
- Students should participate actively in all the school activities.
- Students should strictly adhere to the corrections and suggestions of the class teacher and the subject teachers for their own benefit.
- Applying for Transfer Certificate in the middle of the academic year is not encouraged.
- For further details visit: