Why should Indian schools be drab and boring when the country’s entire culture is lively and colourful?

How will children feel drawn to school if the classrooms look like jail cells?

When do you believe learning occurs voluntarily and naturally?

Yes! The main thing that helps with learning is observation.

When the surroundings are extraordinary and compelling, the sensesā€”sight, sound, smell, taste, and touchā€”are awakened, allowing children to watch and learn. Every piece of content that is presented to students should be designed to pique their senses, especially if it was created by students, for students, and of students.

The assembly or academic process for the month determines the classroom themes for the month. Teachers form teams to take care about creating a learning environment, and students express themselves through poems, art, posters, and paintings, among other things. Because classrooms are tiled to a certain height, students are free to stick it on the walls and hang it.

There is a lot of creativity and learning, group work and projects, and it is also important for interpersonal and intrapersonal development.

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