CHRISTMAS CANTICLES -2021 - St.Britto's Academy


“The gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of happiness……May all these be yours at Christmas”

The students of St Britto’s Academy celebrated Christmas Canticles with great enthusiasm. The theme of the celebration is “Star of Christmas”. Students of Grades KG – IX and XI were involved to perform their part.

Sanya Joshy, Arjun and Christina stole the show through their compering.

Students rejoiced and proclaimed the birth of Jesus through carol singing.

Various competitions were organized based on the theme ’Star of Christmas’ “Dress up”  The Sanctity Angels by KG-II. The lovely angels mesmerized everyone with their beauty and wonderful proclamation. The sparkling Handmade star was made by them. Grade III- V presented fantabulous music and dance performance. They made eco-friendly Christmas trees, adorned with beautiful ornaments. Grade VI-IX & XI sang Christmas wishes through choreography. Students took an active part in mixing the batter to bake Yumm Tumm- Christmas Cake. Yuletide Monologue was an authentic performance. They portrait the biblical character with a powerful message. Students showcased their talent by singing, dancing, cooking, enacting and craftwork. On this festive season spreading love, joy and peace among mankind have fulfilled the true meaning of Christmas.

Towards the end of the programme, Jerusha proposed the vote of thanks. On behalf of the school, she thanked the students for their cooperation and great effort to perform their best. She thanked the teachers for their guidance and support. She also thanked the management for having given this wonderful opportunity to present the event virtually. The event was a great success.

Learning Outcome:

  • To know the importance of festivals
  • To understand the culture and traditions
  • To know the purpose of the celebration
  • To create a holistic development

Specific Aim:

  • To enhance creativity skills
  • To develop digital literacy
  • To enhance leadership skills
  • To enhance spiritual growth
  • To enhance social skills

General Aim:

  • To know the purpose of the lord’s birth on Earth.
  • To Spread love, joy and peace among fellow beings.

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