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EVENT MANAGEMENT - St.Britto's Academy

July 9, 2019


Event management is not a profession that one can pursue after its degree it’s the developing skills since school.”

On July 9th, 2019 the students of class VIIA hosted an assembly on Event Management. The session commenced with a brief introduction followed up with a power point presentation on the topic.

Later the assembly progressed focusing towards the need of the event organizers in this 21st century. 

 Learners updated the necessary qualifications’ – Knowledge and Skills of an event organizer.

To onset an event managing program one has to establish the needed qualification, identify skills, identify target market, develop business plan, tackle legal side of business, obtain funding and develop resource marking.

More importantly it is in relation to the qualities and skills that includes –creativity, visionary and passion to make extraordinary out of ordinary.

The presentation wrapped up accentuating the current pay package that is being received in UK and India.

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