The zestful frisky kiddos of kindergarten presented the program in a wonderful way. They started the program with a prayer song, Bible reading, prayer and the kids of performed the program on Dress up and speak. The Lkg-A children performed the dance and LKg-B. children performed the ramp walk and then our principal mam did the felicitation for the kindergarten and kids cabinet and then we concluded the program with a vote of thanks and school song.
It is a time to honor the children who have spent time together in the kindergarten years. Nursery, Jr kg, amidst academic, co-curricular activities and their hectic schedules in kindergarten the children and teachers of Sr kg have their eyes focused on one big event. “The Graduation Day”. In the academic calendar, it is a major event and transition point for students, parents, and teachers. It is a time for students Parents and teachers to celebrate their hard work and accomplishments.
The parents appreciated the management and teachers in bringing up the children. They were happy about the fefdy curriculum as it was very useful for the child’s academic growth.