Investiture Ceremony 2022 - St.Britto's Academy

August 29, 2022

Investiture Ceremony 2022

“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”
– John C Maxwell

The Investiture Ceremony of St. Britto’s Academy for the academic session 2022–2023 was held on 29th August 2022 in SMR Hall with solemnity and dignity for primary and high schools. A special ceremony after the long detached period due to the pandemic platform. The event was presided over by the Correspondent Dr.Vimala Rani Britto, Principal, Mrs. Mary Vasantha Kumar, Senior Vice-Principal, Mrs. Joan Rajesh and Principal, St. Britto’s Matriculation school. It was conducted with a high degree of earnestness and passion.

Investiture ceremony is an important occasion where a school entrusts its upcoming leaders with certain roles and responsibilities. Delegation of responsibility and giving authority to children is important as it teaches them lifelong skills of being powerful and caring at the same time. We believe that the child centric approach will frame a responsible citizen. The newly elected Prefect Body of Student Council steps into the leadership role and takes an oath to deliver their duties promptly for striving to impact the school community positively on the success path.

The theme for the year 2022-2023 is “Commitment to excellence”. The Investiture ceremony of 25th Prefects Council and 15th Kids Cabinet began with lots of zeal and zest. It commenced with a prayer song by class IX choir, the elected leaders’ profiles were read out when the leaders were marched. Gladis read a verse from the Bible reading and prayed for the leaders which was followed by Thusara of class IV delivered the welcome address. An invocation dance was performed by the students of Class VIII, IX and XI which held everyone captive to their performance. A special song was sung by class IV followed by the Speech-Voice of Leaders as Ruaan Christine of class VI C as Mr.Bhagat Singh, Shahina IX B as Mrs. Malala Yousafzai and Jerome of class VI C as Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam by Sanjhana.B of Class XI A, Lekhana of IX B and Ayesha of VI C . The Class IX students presented a Tamil panel discussion on the topic “Kallai…..Silayai……Gopuramai…”, which inspired and motivated the gathering. A short video was played about the whole progression of the Students’ Council Election held at St.Britto’s Academy for the current academic year.

The leaders were conferred with badges and sashes by the Correspondent, Principal, Senior Vice-Principal, Vice-Principal Admin and the teachers. The students’ council took the pledge to hold the school motto of Honesty, Commitment and Prosperity in high esteem. The Correspondent Dr.Vimala Rani Britto interacted with the Prefects and leaders about leadership and Commitment. She entreated the students to follow what they preached and translate the vision of the school into reality. Her words of appreciation and motivation enlightened the minds of the students to pursue the same.
Thanks to the Almighty God for making the event a resounding success.

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