ROYAL GRIDLOCK 2022 - St.Britto's Academy

November 22, 2022


St Britto’s Academy hosted “Royal GridLock” the mega cultural event based on the theme ”Believe You Can” on 22nd November 2022. The theme invokes sportive spirit among the students in and around the city and has created a platform to showcase their talents. 

The Royal Gridlock event contributes to the development of Self-confidence; instills Rhythm and Harmony, Cultivate aesthetic beauty, kindles dramatic expression and acts as an outlet for emotions. The various events under Royal Gridlock are dance, music, drama, art, cookery, channel surfing, Adzap, lawyer up, 2 minutes to fame, etc….

The event started at 9:30 am and diligently organized within the school premises. The judges appointed for the various events were well equipped in the field of art and music. They appreciated the vibrant performances of the students and declared the winners in the Valedictory function. There was thundering applause from the audience, when they heard the announcement of the first place of Young Forum and Royal Gridlock results.

“The beauty of life lies in the diversity of its people”

“The beauty of St.Britto’s lies in the diversity of Talents and Skills”

Celebrating the Uniqueness in each and every individual eliminates inequalities; preserving this incredible – Fountain head of innovation.

Everyone enjoyed the cultural fest that revealed many aspects of our culture and traditions. Indeed it was a glorious event! We look ahead to the upcoming year.

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