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SYNERGY 1997 -2018 - St.Britto's Academy

February 25, 2018

SYNERGY 1997 -2018

“Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it – can we see, hear or feel it when it comes to us .Let not be afraid to receive each days surprise. It will open a new place in our heart, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.”

SYNERGY 1997 -2018

Branches spread! Yet, our roots remain as one.

25th February 2018, was an exceptional moment for Brittoians . Grand reunion of our alumini from the batch year 1997, fetched together the students and the alumini, not just in the premises of the Institute but

also facilitated to unite the alumni and students at a very personal level and ensure long term interaction and strong bonding thus proving to be extremely beneficial to both the students as well as the alumni.

Honorable correspondent, Respected Principal, Vice principals, teachers and distinguished alumni from different sectors merged their experience, enthusiasm and excitement which renewed camaraderie during the reunion and reminisced the impressions down the memory lane.

Over view of SYNERGY 2018 was proposed by Mrs. Joan Rajesh; senior vice principal.

It was indeed a privilege for the alumni to share their experience of outside world, their success stories, exactly how and what the school has turned out for them.

St.Britto’s has always retained wide considerations in molding the students as global citizens.

The inspiring video of Alibaba Founder “Jack MA” was presented and was further interacted by Mrs. Vimala Britto, the correspondent.

 A short video presentation on “St. Britto’s Evolution” aided the alumni to notice the changes and developments ensued in the course of time.

The aura of ecstasy, joyfulness and gratification filled the auditorium, like the mellow rays of the departing sun. It falls tenderly, yet gloomily on the heart.    Candid flashes of this ideal gathering   would always linger in our minds forever.

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