St. Britto’s Academy organized TLIM Workshop for the Students of STD VII & VIII on 07.08.2018. Mr. Praveen from Live Life Education conducted the orientation program. The need of being Polite, Responsive, Organized and Attentive were discussed and practiced. The Leadership qualities were emphasized. It was a highly interactive session where all the students actively participated. The workshop involved intellectual games & fun-based teaching . The importance of 7 Habits that will promote Team Work, Proper Planning/Execution and Listening skills were taught through various activities. Students enthusiastically participated and gained profound knowledge on Self Development and Management.
Mr. Praveen enjoyed the session and wholeheartedly appreciated the involvement of the students throughout the orientation. The Principal concluded the session by encouraging the students to apply and follow the 7 Habits in their lives. Students in turn promised to spread the wisdom acquired through orientation as responsible leaders.