YOUTH FORUM – 2023 - St.Britto's Academy

August 4, 2023


The Seek Foundation in association with Fefdy Curriculum organised the event  ‘Young Forum’ entitled to the theme ‘ BELIEVE YOU CAN’

St Britto’s Academy hosted the mega intellectual event. The theme invokes competitive spirit among the students in and around the city and has created a platform to showcase their talents and ability.

The year ‘2023’ has marked an outstanding performance. 23 schools participated and competed in various competitions.

The inauguration took place in the SMR hall at 9.30 am. The choir enchanted the audience with their melodious voice .Prayers uplifted for seeking God’s  presence and guidance throughout the day.

The chief guest for the morning session was  Dr. Kumaravel Rathinavel (Managing Director- DEUTSCHE WINDGUARD INDIA)

The chief guest was accompanied by the principal and Sr Vice Principal for lighting the lamp. He was facilitated with a  momento. The chief guest addressed the gathering with his motivational speech .  He described the windmill project and encouraged the students to save energy and sustain resources and live in a green and pollution free environment.

The volunteers for the day directed the participants to their respective venue

There were various events’ such as-Cartoon Walk – Dress Up Theme – Favourite Cartoon Character, Finger Puppetry – Storytelling  Theme – Fairy Tale Characters   Rhyme Fest 1. I Say No, Mom Says Yes  2. One, Two Wake up early Rhyme Mania 1, Thank you Mom 2. I am brave Rhyme-a-thon 1. My World 2. Wind ,  Free Verse Poem-  . Theme – Forest,   Nonet Poem- . Theme – Agricultural Farm  , ABC Poem alphabet- Theme -Volcanoes   SPIN A YARN, I – CONNECT ,RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATION- The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in Young gen.


RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATION The use of stem cells in medical research and treatment (or) Exploring the chemistry behind Food Preservation Techniques (or) Analysing the chemical composition of everyday household products (or) Exploring the chemistry of Photovoltaic cells and their role in Solar Energy Conversion,  SMART TECHIES Game Developer  PPT – PRESENTATION The development of sustainable agriculture practices,

SHARK TANK- Pitch your Business

These activities were framed for the  participants to gain a deeper understanding of the themes  and  acquire new skills and knowledge

The events were diligently organised within the school premises.

The judges appointed for the various events were well equipped in the field of art and education.

They appreciated the vibrant performances of the students and gave their valuable inputs for better growth.

The Valedictory function was held at 3pm. The  three special guests were invited . Mrs Krishna Radhakrishnan- the founder and state president, “Women Entrepreneurs Welfare Association ” Founder of “Women Seva Trust ”. Mr C.D Vivekanandan, Vice President of Tamil Nadu Bharat Scout and Guides, Director- Paramount Group Private Limited. Dr Nararajan Saravanappa FRCS(ORL-HNS).

Students were impressed and much inspired with their inspirational speech, of setting  goals and working on them, to manage time, to honour and obey parents, to have a positive mind .

Our beloved Correspondent Ma’am addressed the students and said-’ Silence is golden’ Creativity happens in a calm and silent mind. She encouraged students to explore and excel in their talents and help the other students to achieve the same.

The results for the various events were announced  .Prizes and awards were given to the awardees.

There was a thundering applause from the audience, cheering  for their respective schools. Everyone was boosted up with team spirit. The students have learnt innovative ideas  that will lead them to become a responsible global citizen. At the end, the audience rose to sing the National Anthem. The day was one of the most memorable ones for all the students and was a grand success.

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