Personality Development |St.Britto's Academy



Investiture Ceremony is a formal event of the school, where the members of the Student Council are administered the oath by the heads of the institution. The student leaders of the Kids Cabinet at the junior level and the Prefects Council at the senior level are selected through the process of election enabling the students to understand the system of Governance. This council prepares the students to shoulder responsibilities, reach the work target and also develop leadership qualities, which in turn molds them into responsible people.


The Global Leadership Training Programme – t-Gelf was introduced the academic year 2008 – 2009 for the classes VIII to IX and now extended from Std VI-  Std XII. The teachers are the facilitators of this programme, who are trained through workshops conducted by resource persons from t- gelf. Training included NLP, Multiple Intelligence and so on.  The teachers and students of classes VIII to XII are given handouts and manuals which has specific curriculum. To guide them to understand and apply the context in realityAbove all, this programme helps children to have holistic development of body, mind and spirit. The activities conducted imbibe in them to have strong values like honesty, humility, faith, integrity, discipline, tolerance and guide them to be focused in life. Students also compete in various National Competitions and also travel to Delhi, Singapore and Thailand to participate in International Youth Leader Conferences.


We encourage the students to involve in community services in order to nurture the qualities of sympathy and love towards the nation. The programme is planned to inculcate sensitivity to the plight of the less fortunate, ecological awareness and the dignity of labour. For further details log on to


  1. Visit to Orphanages& Old Age Homes – Carrying what is learnt to the home and society and giving back to the society to the underprivileged in terms of time spent in teaching in slum school, visiting and providing the needed materials for the blind in blind school, children in orphanages and people in old age homes there by instilling in them a sense of thankfulness for what they are and also what their parents are.
  2. Organizing Awareness Rallies on Social IssuesStudents conduct rallies and street plays to educate the public on Cleanliness, Stray dog menace, Rights of a citizen, Say No to Plastics, Go green etc., Pamphlets and badges made by children are distributed to people to understand and uphold the concepts.
  3. Village Development Program: Students and Staff visit villages adopted by SEEK FOUNDATION to understand and contribute for empowerment of the people through remedial classes, spoken English Classes, Computer classes, Skill development Training which is being implemented in stages in order to make the village self -sustainable within few years. Students learn to contribute towards productive and positive development of the society.


Dr. Nappinnai Seran, Ph.D., is our School Counsellor, and she conducts sessions for Students, Parents and Teachers to help each one become competent by identifying the source of their emotional or behavioral problem by understanding the problem rationally which will help them to overcome their distress using counseling techniques. She has acquired her Ph.D. and Certificates in Hypnotherapy and Transactional Analysis. She has published articles to various psychological journals and been invited by different colleges, schools, industries and other bodies to deliver lectures relating to the field of psychology. Adolescent Counselling, Counselling for Excellence  in the Board Exam by overcoming exam related stress and anxiety, Parent and teen counselling which helps  to understand the importance of each one’s role towards a common goal and help to create a good relationship are focused to elevate the individual, other family members and the community in general.


zumba is a creative movement programme that uses the frame work of dance and theatre techniques to explore story telling communication skills, self-expression and collaboration. Creative movements give children opportunities to find new ways of moving and teaches them that there can be more than one solution to a problem, question or task. It improves the psychomotor skills and encourages innovative thinking in students.

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