DIGITAL MARKETING - St.Britto's Academy



Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet, online-based electronic devices, other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

Its development during the 1990s and 2000s, changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As people increasingly use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent.

ā€œWe want to know what consumers are looking for, what their values are, and how can we meet their needs. Itā€™s not just about Big Data; itā€™s about translating that into the truth.ā€ ā€“ Gayle Fuguitt


The captivating students of middle school – VIII B have presented their class assembly with exciting activities. The team spirit was exemplary. It was a well-organized virtual show. Students were interactive, supportive, and transparent. The virtual class assembly is begun with

  • Prayer song
  • Bible verse
  • Significance of the day
  • PPT
  • Vote of thanks.

The multifaceted students of class VIII B exhibited their digital literacy by doing the PowerPoint Presentation on DIGITAL MARKETING


  • As long as technology is evolving, digital marketing continues to grow.
  • Digital marketing includes social media mentions, websites, banner ads, and YouTube videos.
  • Digital marketing is quite similar to traditional marketing but just uses digital devices.
  • Online marketing is a form of inbound marketing, and its main aim is for customers to find you.



To know about the following aspects:

  1. Social Media Marketing – All modern companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, use social media to advertise their brands.
  2. Email Marketing – Itā€™s the first digital marketing term but itā€™s still really relevant. This program tells current customers and others about the different goods and services provided by the company.
  3. Direct Advertising – It would help you to perform well in the highly competitive sector if you follow a fantastic advertisement strategy and promotional tools


1.After the assembly, I gained knowledge on the scope of digital marketing. It was very useful and clear.

– Nakul Riddish

2. I heartily thank my class teacher for allowing me to explore us in various fields of which we are really unaware.

-Priyadarshini Satapathy

3.We all learned about the latest technology implementation in the marketing field.

-Navya N


Class Teacher Report:

I felt very happy and enlightened myself to the latest digital marketing technology and I too personally gained knowledge about the concept.

-D. Merlin Mysha

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