“Winners never quit and quitters never win “.
We the students of class X B initiated an assembly on the theme ” Never give up”.
The assembly was held on 10th June 2022 on the Main stage at 9.00 am..

The pleasant day began with the prayer song followed by the Bible reading and prayer.Ā The students presented a skit on differently abled kid , winning the Para Olympic sports by sustaining A NEVER GIVE UP attitude in life.
Later the session was progressed with Tamil Speech which created a deep impact amidst the audience ..
The secret behind the success āNEVER GIVE UP ā was illuminated during the assembly.
Students with the support of the class teacher along with the language teacher took up the initiative by adapting the NEVER GIVE UP attitude to make the assembly effective .
Class X-B emphasized on the value Ā ” STAY STRONG AND NEVER GIVE UP ” which is the need of an hour among the young learners.