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SMASH 2017 - St.Britto's Academy

February 18, 2017

SMASH 2017

St. Britto’s Academy, Velachery was delighted to organize its Annual Nursery and Lower Primary Sports Day on 18th February 2017 at the Police Grounds, Chennai with great pomp and splendour. The arena was all set for the students to exhibit their sporting talents. After a solemn Prayer Song by the Junior Choir and Prayer by Ms. Joan Rajesh, the Senior Vice-Principal of SBA, the Correspondent hoisted the National Flag, while the Principal, Ms. Mary Vasanthakumari, hoisted School Flag and Sports Flag was hoisted by Mr. Gokul Raj, the P.R.O. and the Physical Director of SBA.

 It was followed by a well-co-ordinated March Past of the Four Houses , which was led by the Head Boy of the Kids’ Cabinet, Sanjay Joshua along with the Head Girl, Juanita Sarah. The Cubs and Bulbuls took the lead ahead of Jupiter House, the Overall Champions of 2015-2016 and were followed by Mars House, then Mercury House and finally by Venus House. The Captains held their flags with pride and were accompanied by the School Band, which marched in style, playing the drums and pipes in harmony.

The Correspondent, the Chief Guest of the Sports Meet, lit the torch and gave it to Umayadarshini, a State Tennekoit player and ASSET(swimming competition) winner , who in turn passed it to Lakshashree, a District Champion in Skating , who then passed it on to Pon Kumar to switch hands with Indra Priyadharshini, U. Aishwarya, R. Harish, Tharun, S.V.Jittesh and finally to Sreenidhi , State Level Swimmer who left the burning torch at the Olympic Cauldron to mark the commencement of the events. After the ceremonial Oath-taking by the Junior Head Girl, Juanita Sarah, Mr. Gokul Raj formally welcomed the guests and Mr. Venkatesh, the H.O.D, Department of Physical Education, read out the Annual Report. The Correspondent, Mrs. Vimala Britto, was the Chief Guest and she declared the Sports Meet open. In her Presidential address, the Correspondent emphasized on the importance of sports in life and re-iterated that all the activities that were held in SBA were meant to facilitate the harmonious growth of the body, mind and soul.

The munchkins of Kindergarten performed “ Penta kidobics” based on the theme of the five elements of the world. Incorporating the four GAIT ( Grooming Artistic Innovation and Talent) concepts, the GAIT trainers, Ms. Aakruthi and Ms. Sandhya choreographed and trained approximately 365 students of grades one and two, on dances with the themes Body Space , Rhythms and Emotions . The Space Ramp depicted the culture of  two South Indian states, Kerala and Karnataka, which included “Bisu Kamsali” (traditional folk dance of Karnataka) , and Kalari (martial art form of Kerala) by the second graders, while the first graders danced on  emotions, showcasing happiness, being scared, sadness and anger .

Athletic events held for boys and girls of III – V included 50 metres race and 100 metres race for boys and girls separately and 50 metres race for KG students. Theme – based minor games that were held were Save Animals for LKG, Save Nature for UKG, Recycling Paper for Grade I and Save Girl Child for Grade II

The Mass Drill showcased impressive displays of speed, balance and sharp reflexes with synchronization and a fantastic formation on World Peace. A dove, as a symbol of peace, was set free to fly high up in the sky by the Correspondent.

In all 1400 students of the KG and Lower Primary section participated and marked cent percent participation in the Sports Meet, which was truly enjoyed by the students, teachers, parents and concluded with the National Anthem and an enthralling applause by the gathering for the success of the Sports Day.

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