August 31, 2018


The Students of I & II presented subject wise activities based on the theme given to the respective classes on Friday, 31st August 2018 from 9.30 am till 2.30 pm. Every class displayed models – static and dynamic and chart work which was well explained by the students. The activity was exhibited to all the students of primary classes.

For the Subject English, Students enacted a skit based on the lesson, recited a poem and conducted various  games and activities based on grammar topics.

In Math, shapes and its properties were explained through conversation, models of constructed  houses  using shapes were set up. Puzzles and  activities were done  based on pattern. The basic skills of Mathematics-Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division were explained through a board game and a maze game.

It was also explained in the form of a tree model. Place value of numbers was explained through an activity chart of school bus and a skit. Division was explained with a model.

In EVS, Introduction of healthy habits was given by a student. Food pyramid and types of food, Good Habits and keeping fit were explained by the models. Difference between healthy food and junk food was explained though chart. Games were conducted based on this.

Types of houses were explained through the models and charts. Speech was given on different types of houses. Various festivals were explained by the children though the dress up shows and food display. Traditional , Indoor and outdoor games were explained through real models.

Mrs. Kavitha , Special Educator and Psychologist , Shakthi Remedial Centre  the Guest for the Occasion, appreciated the staff , students and Parents for preparing the Club activity in such an elaborate and purposeful way and insisted the benefit of activities for the acquisition of skills and knowledge.

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