Leadership –Mahatma Gandhiji - St.Britto's Academy

October 17, 2019

Leadership –Mahatma Gandhiji

In connect with Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Bicentennial, the Lighthouse Leaders of St Britto’s Academy presented an exclusive assemblage on the theme “Leadership – Mahatma Gandhiji” on 17 Oct 2019, Thursday at the school auditorium.

The Programme commenced thru an invocation song ensued by the Lord’s Prayer.  Learners elucidated the significance of the day as well as fervently staged the show emphasizing the qualities and principles of Mahatma Gandhiji through colloquies and portrayals.

Learners visualized the Salt Satyagraha by means of play act. A video on Gandhi’s biography was correspondingly exhibited. The Light house Leaders emphasized the necessity of Gandhian Ideologies in our day to day life to progress towards triumph nonviolently.

An inspirational address was bestowed by the Principal unfolding Gandhian Principles in conjunction with ‘The Leader in Me Habits’ and Mission statements of every single individual. She also felicitated the Light House Teachers with badges and appreciations.  The Programme concluded with the ‘The Leader in Me’ track and National Anthem.

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