Programs and Projects - St.Britto's Academy

Programs and Projects made purposeful for students of St. Britto’s

St. Britto’s students benefit from programs and projects designed specifically for them.

What is the purpose of school programs and projects?

To demonstrate what a child has been taught to say to an audience, most likely the parents.

How do you think Britto’s Academy distinguishes itself and serves a purpose?

Dr. Vimala Rani Britto, the school’s secretary and correspondent, believes that even if it is a project or a program, an hour outside of the classroom should be a learning experience. Saint Britto’s believes that every child should participate in at least two group public display events and one individual event each academic year.

What if the child is among the audience members?

Yes! The child will watch all of the programs, or was it all of the projects, and see what is displayed, gaining knowledge as a result of this exposure.

But what if the child is a participant in a program or a project presenter?

The child does not have the opportunity to observe or learn from his or her peers because he or she is restricted to his or her group or individual activity in a program or project.

The green room was eliminated to bridge this knowledge gap. There is a trend in programs where all the students who participated will sit in the audience and watch the program.

When it is their turn to perform or explain, they get up from their seats, perform, and then return to their seat in the audience. It is just like an award show.

What confidence do the students have in this strategy again?

In addition to learning from others, students learn to appreciate and respect their peer’s performance projects and explanations.

Nowadays, most parents are only concerned with their child’s performance. They are unwilling to sit back and watch other students perform, and immediately after their child has finished the project or performance, they want to pick up the children and leave.

What values do we instil in our students? So, at Britto’s, children begin to respect others and their initiatives at a young age, along with learning from them.

How do kids decide what they want to do during programs and projects?

Children initially choose which core subject and skill area they want to be involved in, for example, I can choose English and wish to participate in a role play if acting is his or her favorite.

If they choose science, they can be a personality explaining their invention or a techie demonstrating the advancements in the field they choose through multimedia.

When it comes to projects, each one will be explained by two or three children, and project days are usually reserved for students and parents for more than two or three days. Students take turns in explaining their projects or visiting another project and they also discuss the intriguing project during their visit.

St. Britto’s offers numerous opportunities. Life learning experiences enable students to effortlessly and efficiently transfer their learning in real-world situations.

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